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Re: Cross check program

Carl wrote:
Not sure what you're after here, Harry. Where is the output of the
file comparison supposed to be? . . .
Just a more visually helpful use of FD and FM. I'd like to have the
alternate window (re function AS) be displayed in full all the time. I
thought this could be accomplished by having two XyWrite launches open,
situated side by side on my dual monitors, with say FOO-1.TXT showing on
the left Xy and FOO-2.TXT on the right. Then I'd issue FM in one window and
(somehow) have the other XyWrite show the relevant cursor position (as the
alternate window does not in a single launch of Xy).
Switching back and forth, with AS, gets confusing. FINDDIFF is a big step
toward remedying this but I'd like two full windows, side by side.

Harry Binswanger