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Re: Screen Lengths

Reply to note from Harry Binswanger  Sat, 17 May
2008 17:36:58 -0400


> Who uses those ruler lines today, anyway?

I set it to a solid line. I don't like having my top line of text
right up against the PRompt line.

There is no Default command for this, as you know. It has to be done
in STARTUP.INT (or on the CMline) with func NR. A single NR toggles
to the solid line, NR NR kills the ruler altogether. I use the
following code, which is more prolix, but also more informative, and
generic (because it's independent of the current state of the ruler

b-gin [UNTITLED]

Note that "<>2" isn't strictly necessary ("<2" would suffice), but
"<>" allows you to change the desired value of VA$NR ad libitum,
without additional modification to the code. If you write "<2",
simply changing "2" to "1" or "0" bombs, while "<>0" or "<>1" works
as intended.

Aren't you glad you asked? And it was just a rhetorical question.

Carl Distefano