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Re: Military time (whoops!)

Carl Distefano wrote:

Great idea. To avoid the anomaly, 0 A.D. and 1 B.C. could be
defined as one and the same year. Who says the two eras can't
overlap? There is an ineluctable binary logic to it, to boot:
0 A.D.: Dominus=FALSE; 1 A.D.: Dominus=TRUE. Assuming, of course,
that Dominus was born in 1 A.D., which, of course, he wasn't, but
it's the thought that counts.
The idea of overlapping eras is a very good way of
cutting the gordian knot. And a binary logic test is
fine. Unfortunately, not I nor (I should think) any
other Christian could accept Dominus=False; the
pre-existence of the Word is a defining element. And 0
A.D. Incarnatus=False is probably more than
non-Christians, even if theists, could agree to. So
we'd have to agree to differ on what exactly the terms
of the logic test are.

Patricia M. Godfrey