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Re: Kenny Frank and TTG

A valid point, about losing the source. Of course, lawyers
are pretty careful about storing things.

And (maybe this is up Phil's alley) how hard is it to get from the binary back to something that could be intervened in (to establish page swapping for expanding the memory)?

Back in the day, I did some modification of the CP/M operating system, using only Assembler and DDT (the Digital Research predecessor of Debug). Even Debug has an Unassemble command, you know.

I'm not talking about extensive changes, just something that would add a jmp to some added routine that would swap in memory (I'm talking through my hat here, but . . .).

Don't know if the below will come through, but it's a screen shot of a debug U command applied to the first chunk of editor.exe. It has instructions like: MOV, JMP, ADD, and INT--which are pretty familiar.


Okay, CP/M was 2k and editor.exe is 681k. We're not going to let a little thing like that stop us, are we?

Surely, Harry, since it seems he was short of $170, if he had anything to sell he would have sold it long ago?

By the way - - what makes anyone think that the source code for any version of XyWrite is still in existence? Source code is a thing that can get lost. Macromedia lost some important code about ten years ago . . . these things happen.

And no, XyWin was never usable. Very promising, but unusable.

At 23/04/2018 19:11, you wrote:
We haven't tried buying the source from TTG. Has anyone here had friendly communication with Kenny Frank however long ago, so that he might recognize the name if he or she emailed him?