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Re: How many of us are there left?

On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 1:48 PM, Chuck Creesy mailto:ccreesy@xxxxxxxx wrote:
I know this is old hat for this group but can anyone point me to discussions in the archives that would help me get oriented. What would be most helpful is date ranges of message exchanges (or documentation) where to look.

​I can help a little. The key for having XY in DOSBox (or Boxer, a front-end for DB that makes it easy to use) is to understand the procedure of MOUNT-ing folders on your Mac as hard drives in the dosbox, once you've created a new "game" (I called mine, with stunning originality, XyWrite). For example, I have a folder on my Mac named "DOS" under the root directory (/DOS) into which I've placed a "BOXER" subfolder (/DOS/BOXER/); which contains my xywrite "game." (/DOS/BOXER/XyWrite.boxer).​ In Boxer (or in DOSBox) you then mount the folder DOS as the C drive (C:\), so that at the DOS prompt a dir command will show the subfolders that are an the Mac in /DOS; including the XY4 and other folders I'd put there for use. ChangeDirectory to the Xywrite folder and you're good to type "editor" and be in an old familiar place.

That's for starters, and most of what I've suggested is laid out, probably more clearly, in the DOSBox documentation; it's very clear in Boxer. Contact me off-list if you feel you want more of my input.

Fred Weiner