Bill-- The attached INCRMENT.PGM works for me. It's been sitting around since 1994--not sure that I've ever used it. Tried it on a list of 60 items, each numbered with acounter. Worked for me. In extended view, convert your counters to anything, say @@@, with a ci /≪C1.≫/@@@/. Then this: run incrment.pgm,@@@,1,1. That is: character to replace, starting number (any), amount to increment (one or more). Is that what you're looking for? I have no idea now who wrote this. RH At 10:08 AM 3/7/00 -0500, you wrote: >Ages ago, there was a program called hardcode.pgm that was supposed to >remove all variables, like counters, and put in hard codes, to make your >export to other formats foolproof. I tried this program many times, but >could never get it to work. Could anyone tell me if there is either (1) a >version of hardcode that really works or (2) a more limited program that >will just take the counters (like , , etc.) and convert them into >their hard equivalents? I would be grateful to have a workable solution to >this problem. I often need to draft a list with auto numbers, but then if I >have to export it, I have a problem. Thanks. > > Attachment: INCRMENT.PGM
Description: Binary data