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Re: conversion from XyWrite to word

--- sacksa@xxxxxxxx wrote:

> Does there exist a program that converts (or nearly converts) a
> XyWrite document into Word?

Yes. Instructions here:

Filters are available here:

Holmgren's instructions are entitled, Undocumented Freestanding Use of
Word-4-Word Text Conversion Filters -- How to Convert XyWrite 3( ),
XyWrite 4-DOS, or XyWin Documents to Microsoft Word v6|v7|v8 [97]|v9
[v2000]|v10 [v2002]--The Satisfaction-Guaranteed "DOS-Only" Method

It seems complicated but if you follow instructions, it isn't too bad.

> I can manually do this by calling up a XyWrite
> file in Word and using "find/replace" to get rid of the formatting
> commands. I must then insert bold and italicized formatting by
>hand.  Is there anything available out there that would do this for

I usually don't bother with the filter conversion, just pull the xy doc
into word, copy it as unformatted text into a document formatted the
way I like. Then I do a wildcard search & replace changing  into
_ and  into *, and do an autoformat, which changes words marked
with _ into italics, and * into bold. Autoformat also changes quotes
into "smartquotes" and -- into em dash.

Lisa Kleinholz