Gavin Budge wrote:
> Making a scanned version of the manuals available seems a good idea (and
> something to which I would be willing to contribute with the Xy3 manual).
> Would anyone else on the list be interested?
> At 08:18 AM 8/13/02 -0700, you wrote:
> >from Morris,
> >
> > Printing the manuals only become viable if there are 50 or more
> >interesting in purchasing it. The alternative is to have someone scan it
> >into the computer and be able to produce a digital copy which can be sent
> >either as an attachment or be downloaded from a website.
> >
If the 3+ manual (which I cite rather than the series of manual booklets
from 4,
because of its relative size and thoroughness) could be well scanned and
into a .PDF or collection of .PDF files, I think that would be a good thing to
have available. But you'd need to go page by page with an OCR program and
the output for scan errors, or have a service bureau do it. In short,
that would
be a rather large task. I can't do any part of this job myself, but would be
willing to put in some reasonable contribution towards the cost, as long
as there
were enough other "subscribers" so as to make this a viable project.