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Re: Versions of Xy2pdf

** Reply to message from "Patricia M. Godfrey"  on Fri, 21
Jul 2006 12:43:46 -0400

> Let me paste it back in and 1) try it running
> full-screen and 2) see if the address of that Fault
> location is always the same.

Well, I wouldn't "paste" anything (not Windows Paste anyway); I'd load an
original U2 file and copy blocks of code within XyWrite.

> Then it must be hardware-related


> (That is, if the file I'm converting is
> README.XYT and I type xy2pdf sample or even xy2pdf
> e:readme, I just get the usage note)

OK, I do see one problem, and it may be your problem. On about the sixth line
of the Xy2PDF frame, you'll see the statement >. DeFine that, and
MoVe it to the very beginning of the frame (right after the opening Ascii-2).
Problem: If you're not setting S/G 652 either manually or via frame GetXyOS in
STARTUP.INT, then frame GetXyOS is run here as the first order of business.
And GetXyOS wipes out S/G 50, which is the filename argument in, e.g., "XY2PDF
SAMPLE". Since I always set S/G 652 in STARTUP.INT, I've never run
into that problem, but this is plainly an error on my part.

Note that you canNOT argue "XY2PDF E:SAMPLE". No "d:[\path\]" is allowed! The
result file is written in the same directory as the source file. If you have
source SAMPLE.XY in E:\DOCS, then result SAMPLE.PDF will be written in E:\DOCS.

Note also that the "d:filename" format you often mention in your messages,
while legal in many circumstances (and frequently cited in XyWrite manuals), is
a risky one. If you're going to mention a disk "d:" then you should usually
also mention the fully-qualified \path\; absent a \path\, you will simply write
the output in what XyWrite deems to be the current directory for that drive
(which, presumably, is not the current drive, and therefore you'll have to
remember, because XyWrite won't display the name of that directory -- indeed,
the only way to see the name of that directory would be to open a NEw window
and then switch to "E:" or whatever -- very tortured!).

Robert Holmgren