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Re: TYP and newer printers

** Reply to message from "Patricia M. Godfrey"
 on Thu, 04 Mar 2010 16:57:48 -0500

> @echo off
> set GS_LIB=C:\GS\GS8.70\BIN\..\lib;C:\GS\GS8.70\BIN\..\..\fonts;
> start /min /wait C:\gs\gs8.70\bin\gswin32C.exe
> -dCompatibilityLevel=1.2 -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite
> -sOutputFile=D:\XY4\test.PDF -c save pop -f D:\XY4\FO.PS
> start /min GoXy.EXE "GSview Registration" q 1000 /CHR(13)
> start /max /wait C:\GS\gHOSTGUM\GSVIEW\GSVIEW32.EXE D:\XY4\test.PDF
> GoXy.EXE "{self}"
> del D:\XY4\JARKH9R1.BAT

Did you delete GoXy? Type at a DOS prompt "GoXy.exe /?" and see
what happens... Is GoXy.exe in C:\WINDOWS\system32 (the best
place for it) or where? GoXy MUST be in the %PATH%.

Next, edit JARKH9R1.BAT (or whatever the name of the temporary
filename) and enable echoing:
 ::@echo off
 rem @echo off
so you can see what's happening under the hood. Also comment
out the last "del" line, and finally run the batch file manually
at a DOS prompt. Where does it hang? Make sure you've got a
valid D:\XY4\FO.PS, which is the output of TYP-ing your document
using a PostScript printer file like POSTGHST.PRN (and are you
in fact using a XyWrite PS printer driver???).

Robert Holmgren