With the approval of both Jos Schaars and Wengier Wu, I’ve built an up-to-date copy of vDosPlus that includes a slight correction (made by Jos Schaars) that makes it possible to run Nota Bene without the WINRUN = OFF directive required by all earlier versions. The correction may be useful in other settings as well, as it prevents Windows from getting confused over whether it (and not vDosPlus) should take charge of something that gets loaded or launched by another program. Here is the link: The archive includes the auxiliary files that go with vDosPlus (http://emsmagic.com, various documentation, etc.). If something is missing, please let me know. This is of course completely separate from the (temporarily withdrawn) XyWrite vDosPlus Installer, which is vastly more useful to XyWrite users, because it sets up a complete XyWrite-capable environment. The ZIP archive i posted is merely there for anyone who might need it, and is not XyWrite-specific. |