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XyW and Xy4 (was Re: smart words)

On 28.10, Nathan Sivin wrote (in part)

"I am sorry to hear that the list has discouraged Phil Smith from trying
out XW. I use it *and* XY. What strikes me about them is their general
similarity and the extent to which XW can be set up to work identically
with XY. I might well have switched entirely to XW, except for its
draft-mode screen font, which I find impossible to look at for long

To which I say Hear, hear, adding only that
(a) I find XyW slightly more prone to crash when I'm working with very
large files (though this problem is largely eliminated by using 386MAX as a
memory manager);
(b) in addition to the draft-mode font itself, XyW is less legible than Xy4
in draft mode when it comes to bold, italic, superscript, subscript-italic,
and Uncle Tom Cobbleigh.

So, Phil and others, give XyW a spin -- but don't take Xy4 off your hard

Eric Van Tassel