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Re: Refresh of XyWWWeb.U2 v119 (15 September 2006)

Reply to note from Harry Binswanger  Sat, 16 Sep
2006 23:49:38 -0400

> I was focusing on the fact (if it is a fact) that """ isn't
> something that needs interpreting.

Not a fact. A quoted string needs interpreting -- unless the quotes
are part of the string. Compare thes four examples (RUNCODE each
line separately):

b-gin [UNTITLED]
{<}SV01,Harry{>}{<}PR@01{>}{<}EX{>} <== returns Harry [no qu
otes][cr|lf]{<}SV01,"Harry"{>}{<}PR@01{>}{<}EX{>} <== return
s "Harry" [with quotes][cr|lf]{<}SX01,"Harry"{>}{<}PR@01{>}{<
}EX{>} <== returns Harry [no quotes][cr|lf]{<}SX01,"""Harry"
""{>}{<}PR@01{>}{<}EX{>} <== returns Harry [with quotes][cr|

In practice, you wouldn't use SX with a quoted string just to save
the string to a S/G. The real use for quoted strings is in
concatenations, and those always require SX.

Carl Distefano