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XySearch -- Status Report


Thanks for the copious contributions of files to XySearch:
The database has been augmented in the last two days with
more than three thousand messages. There are now 19,000 (!)
messages online, to view or search. Many "holes" in the
record have been filled, so I'd like to indicate which
material we're still requesting:

   FILLED: (no longer require)
   xywrite@xxxxxxxx (this mail list):
     August 1995
     1996-1998 (special thanks to Rafe Tennenbaum)
[In short, the 1994-2002 mail list database is
essentially complete. If anyone discovers omitted messages,
please notify me.]

   ----- -------
   XyQuest Information Line/XyQuest Exchange BBS
(aka XyWrite Information Line/XyWrite Exchange):
     any and all messages, but especially message
     numbers 1 through 8487, from 1989-1993
   Word Processing BBS (SysOp: Henry Kisor):
   Wicked Scherzo local WP forum

If you submit any material, please alter as little of the
original as possible. Send anything you find to me

Re XyQuest Exchange BBS: In a 1995 message, Joe Solla

   I was the first person to log on to this BBS when
   it opened in Billerica. There were no "new" messages
   then - just as there are no new messages today.
   It was August of 1989.

So August 1989 may be a helpful terminus ante quem, if
you're rummaging among your disks for old files.

Thanks again. Remember: we only need to do this once.


Robert Holmgren