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** Reply to message from "Fred Weiner"  on Thu, 27 Apr 2006
10:08:59 -0700

> Following Mr. Holmgren's suggestion (to change VA$SC to
> VA$KC in XYWWWEB.U2, then reload)

In that one frame only...

> Mr. Distefano himself (!) offered that he wrote
> the code initially to deal with peculiarities of his own keyboard and would
> clean this up in the next U2.

I venture that it had nothing to do with his keyboard per se, but with his use
of this frame in a larger context. There is nothing to "clean up". Carl and I
have both said, many times, that we write these frames for ourselves. If
others find them useful, well and good; but they definitely reflect our
personal needs first and foremost. The idea being, to encourage you to do the
same: write your own frames, to meet your needs. Then, if something goes
awry, you (being the architect) are more likely to know why, and you can fix it

> Mr. Holmgren's suggestion (to change VA$SC to VA$KC in XYWWWEB.U2,
> then reload) solved the problem I had been having with Mr. Distefano's
>  frame... Patricia kindly offered that M$WIN98 has
> peculiarities associated with the shifted states of the keys

Let's be clear here: the frame works as designed, and perfectly. No
"peculiarities" of Win9x are implicated; the keyboard was and is working
exactly as it should. It seems to me that you might have mentioned, initially,
that you have the CAPSLOCK or some lock shifted! After all, you mentioned
"key" or keystrokes in every sentence -- you knew that the frame was
keyboard-related. Even now, you don't describe the state of your keyboard.
So: do you understand where the "problem" lies? You have a shifting key ON.

I'm pressing the larger point that, 19 times out of 20, when users say that U2
or a constituent "doesn't work", it's their own fault.

Robert Holmgren