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Re: XY4 in Win7-64

OK, XY4 is running smoothly in DOSBox with Ed Mendelson's paste-from-Windows-Clipboard utility. But...

If I use windowed mode and make it anything but 640x480 the type is a little...fuzzy. Slightly
distorted. If I use fullresolution=800x600 it is both larger and crisper, but blacks out the rest of
the screen. That's preferable, but I often like to bounce between browser and XY4 with both

Searching found me Robert's informative post on changing VGA fonts in full-screen. But full-screen
is not the problem. I wonder if changing the default font in windowed mode would help. I have
downloaded Uwe Siefer's fonts and installed them in (what is now host system) Windows. And the
Speedo fonts are in c:/xy/btfonts. But nothing I do in Settings.dfl, like putting a Speedo font in
the font line, changes the screen font.

Can someone help me with changing the screen font in windowed mode? Thanks.

Jon Pareles