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Reaching out across the digital divide...

Just got off the phone with Larry McF. in Carmel. We had a nice little chat. He confirmed that he doesn't have an Internet connection -- he says that he, ahem, goes to the library when he wants to access the Net (and, BTW, he can save files to a floppy at the library terminal). His brother-in-law also accommodates him by DL'ing files and snailing him the disks.

Larry's IBM 4039 is a PostScript printer. He's tried all of the Xy3+ PS printer files; none works.
He can print with Xy4 (using POST39.PRN) and with WordPerfect 6 for DOS.

I suggested to him that if he ran his printer in PCL mode, either 3IBM4029.PRN or 3IBM4072.PRN might
-- I'm guessing -- work. He says he has both of these files. (He believes that the 4072 is an
inkjet printer that IBM acquired from Canon. If he's right, the so much for the 4072 file.)

Otherwise one of the III+ PS printer files would have to be modified to make it work with the 4039.
One of our PS mavens could probably do it with one hand tied behind her back. Larry said more than
once that he's willing to pay to get Xy3 to print. He didn't sound tired, poor or huddled and
yearning to breathe free.

Why doesn't someone who knows PS call him up and quote him a price? I hear Carmel is glorious in
the Spring. You'll like Larry. (His wife sounds nice, too.)

Carl Distefano