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Re: Buying a Notebook (non-XW)

As for file translation, I am preparing files of 50-page essays in
XYDOS and importing them in to WPWin 6.1 to add Chinese
characters and format as final camera copy. WPW has no converter
for XY past v. III.
In v. 6.0a that worked, more or less, but the one in 6.1 crashes when
I try to import or, when it works on a shorter file, loses the
italics. I therefore export from XY in WPW format (not v. 6, but
an unspecified earlier version), and can then import into WPW.
That loses cross-references, and there are some other minor
losses, but at least it works. So if you are looking for robust
conversions, please accept my condolences.

-- Nathan Sivin
History and Sociology of Science
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia PA 19104-3325