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Re: Conversion problems re: TEXTOUT.FLT

** Reply to note from xywrite@xxxxxxxx Wed, 7 Apr 1999 13:14:47 -0400

There's actually a serviceable WordPerfect for Windows v6 filter sitting in my
XyWin filter directory (W4W48T.DLL). Also MSWord v7 (W4W49T.DLL). That IBM
filter isn't RTF. The various flavors of RTF are just different code pages
(PC=437, Latin=850, ANSI); most people in Europe use 850, USA has traditionally
used 437; but in any case, unless you're employing diacritics (accented chars), it
shouldn't make a whole lot of difference what you use...

This isn't much help, but using RTF 850, I get fine results from both Xy4-DOS and
XyWin. I have very minimal formatting in my test document. Do you have a lot of
formatting? Are you using Styles? Try NOT using Styles; the filters may not
understand them, I'm not sure... You're using the standard "Save As" procedure,
right? Have you tried a short test doc, stripped of all formatting, to see if that
works? Then reintroduce your standard formats in clumps or gulps or bunches, to
see what's going on.  How short on time are you, exactly? Is somebody going to
press at midnight, or are you just nervous? The MS is how many
pages? It is done, I assume, and this is the only thing you have to cope with?

Robert Holmgren