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Re: Switches

Reply to note from Morris Krok  Sat, 03 Nov
2001 09:26:25 -0800

> Fifty years has taught me that we are what we eat and germs or
> the use of medicine never enters my consciousness. The e-mails
> I sent in this regard were not properly read.

Properly read, your e-mails imply that people who send envelopes
laced with "innocuous" anthrax powder are not terrorists, but
harmless pranksters. Is that your view?

I subscribe to the germ theory, Morris, for the same reason I
subscribe to the bullet theory. Everyone who dies of a gunshot
wound has been hit by a bullet; conversely, a foolproof means to
avoid dying that way is to stay clear of flying projectiles. The
fact that some, or even many, people dodge a bullet now and then is
neither here nor there.

No rational person believes that anyone can contract the syndrome
known as anthrax without having been exposed to the anthrax
bacillus, or that anyone who has not been exposed can spontaneously
develop the disease. That healthy living or good genes may affect
individual susceptibility doesn't alter the fundamental cause and

And because anthrax, effectively delivered, is as lethal as a
bullet, the people behind the current outrages -- if we ever catch
them -- will rightly be prosecuted as the murderers they are.

Carl Distefano