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Re: Please use an indicative subject line

Reply to note from "Robert Holmgren"  Sat, 24
Jun 2006 17:36:51 -0400


> So, yes, as a fallback of last resort, the Subject line (if
> precisely followed) will enable you to stay "in thread", but
> not strictly following replies, and date-disordered.

Yes, I see what you're saying.

> I think, since you are using a command line util and therefore
> have access to the headers of the msgs you're replying to, it
> would be a simple matter to encode an "X-Reference:" to the
> msg ID you're following. Your might try that as an experiment.

I can do that with febootimail, which allows the manipulation of
headers. Hmmm, I also need to modify U2 frame REPLY... done. OK,
this reply should contain an "In-Reply-To:" header that points to
your Message-ID, <200606242136.k5OLatk2003899@xxxxxxxx>.

BTW, there's a helpful discussion of threads in D.J. Bernstein's
tutorial on Internet mail: http://cr.yp.to/immhf/thread.html.

Carl Distefano