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Re: vDosPlus packaged for the Mac

It's true, as Harry says, that XPL runs an order of magnitude slower in
vDosPlus than in a 32-bit Windows VDM. In practice, though, I never
notice: with today's processors everything happens more or less
instantaneously anyway.
Not true of my very long XPL programs, alas.
 When I have a task that's too much for XPL, I
use a more robust scripting language -- AutoIt or Python -- launched
from Xy, and import the results back into Xy. AutoIt, in particular,
teams up very nicely with XPL for this purpose, and a lot of recent
additions to U2 use it.
Xy still beats Notepad++. Who, for instance, could do without the ability
to do a dir [filespec] right within the editor. Sure, you can in NPP get
the Explorer dialogue up, but that is so clumsy in comparison. Plus, 9
times out of 10 I want date order, not alpha order, which Explorer defaults to.