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Re: Save selected DF block to file without EOF marker?

** Reply to message from russurquhart1@xxxxxxxx on Thu, 16 Sep 2004 16:36:47

> While, prior to asking this question the first time, I DID have IO=1 in my
> settings file, I have long since changed that and restarted my machine, and am
> still getting the junk at the bottom of the file.

Uh huh. Well, I get the same result as Russ. (Not really,
because who uses DocInfo anyway? But I can reproduce his

If you _create_ a file for the first time when DocInfo=On
(VA[$]IO=1), the document in question will continue to append
the DocInfo whether DocInfo is On or Off (1 or 0). You can
reboot as many times as you want, with IO=0, and you'll
still be saddled with DocInfo. (Conversely, if you create
a doc with IO=0, then turn DocInfo on with IO=1, you
nevertheless won't ever be able to append DocInfo. It's the
conditions of creation that matter.)

There are two ways to remove DocInfo. Create a new document
when IO=0, copy the data from the old DocInfo'd document
into the new document, then erase the original, and (if you
want) REName to get back to the original filename sans

More revealing is to understand how XyWrite recognizes a
document that _should_ have DocInfo. First, ABORT THE FILE
(very important!) in XyWrite, then set DEFAULT IO=0. Open
the file in Notepad, and zap all the characters after the
_first_ EOF char (there are two such EOF chars). Overwrite
them with spaces, or just delete them. To be specific, its
the last 10 or so characters that are crucial, starting with
a lone carriage return, another EOF, and then some quotes
and 254s etc. Replace them all with spaces or delete them.
SAVE the file in Notepad! Then CAll the document in
XyWrite, make an edit, SAve it, and -- presto, no more
DocInfo, not ever.

Those last few characters serve as the control codes that
XyWrite looks for, when determining whether or not a file
requires DocInfo -- not all the appended LaBels  etc,
they're the Info itself, not the control.

Robert Holmgren