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Footnotes/Endnotes formatting

At 04:58 PM 1/3/2008, Harry Binswanger wrote:
go to expanded mode, go to the top of the file, do this command (assuming you are using FN1)

ci /fn1/fn1. /
Yes, Pamela Upton pointed that out a few years
back. For conventional footnotes, that works
fine, just run the routine on each chapter.
Then for style B, you need to do a similar change invisible to put in ≪PN≫ at the right place. Maybe you don't need to suppress the regular footnote numbers: can you get away with:
SF is driving me nuts. On screen it behaves
properly. I get a superscript n instead of a
number. But when I print the dumped notes or the
page itself, all footnotes print beginning with a
superscript 3. Can't figure out what's going on
there. Checked the printer file; only SF setting
is SF=1, but that's a different SF, Space Factor
[175 in the customization guide].

Anyone successful with the SF command?
Meanwhile, you can indeed imbed [embed, Patricia?] a page number in the footnote string, to wit: «FN1«PN» Tsunoda, «MDIT»Issai Yume Ni Gozako«MDNM». But the number that prints (when you DF, as I'm going to do) is the number of the last page (where the notes are dumped), not the page where the footnote appears in the text. What I need is a routine that puts the page number (the value of PN for each note, the page on which that note appears) in the note itself when it prints. If I have to put those numbers in by hand, whew. I don't think a counter is the answer, but then....

For the time being, I'd settle on getting SF to work correctly.

Michael Norman