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Re: Unsubscribe?? (Please do not!)

Tom - Thank you for the message. Reason probably
is due to a faulty attempt on my part - NOT to
unsubscribe (Dear God no!) - but to get up a bit on
the curve in employing some of the many commands
on suggested in the "Welcome" document.

What I yesterday tried to issue was - I thought -
was a change request from message-sending-as-posted
to a once-a-day-download to me. Maybe (probably)
I'm mis-reading something.

Must I do something now to insure continuity or
might you take care of it for me?

I have to shut this pc down now, will be traveling
all day and wont be able to sign back in until
tonight or Sun. morn.

Thank you again.  Steve Webber

--- Tom Robertson  wrote:
> Just got the following notice. Any reason why?
> I would like to continue with the XyWrite list.
> Tom Robertson
> ~~~~~~~~ Start ~~~~~~~~
> Dear user,
> The request
> has been successfully processed. This request was
> received either
> from you, or from the owner of the list.
> You have been removed from list XYWRITE
> (xywrite@xxxxxxxx).
> Thank you for being with us.
> ~~~~~~~ End ~~~~~~~

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