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A critique of Word & Co.

This is too good not to pass along.
  Lewis Menand in the Oct. 6 New Yorker, midway in his review of the
Chicago Manual of Style:
"First of all, it is time to speak some truth to power in this country:
(author's ital) Microsoft Word is a terrible program.(unital) Its terribleness is
of a piece with the terribleness of Windows generally, a system so overloaded
with icons, menus, buttons, and incomprehensible Help windows that performing
almost any function means entering a treacherous wilderness of pop-ups posing
alternatives of terrifying starkness: Accept/Decline/Cancel; Logoff/...and the
mysterious Do Not Show This Warning Again...."
  Menand continues for another half page in the same vein of delightful
ire, soaring to heights of outrage at Word's treatment of footnotes and endnotes.

Bob White