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Re: Missing descenders in Notabene

On Wed, 12 Mar 2008, Patricia M. Godfrey wrote:
I wonder if there would be demand for a XyWrite-like program that had, or could have, rtf for its native format?
Absit! No, never. Look, one of the things we LOVE about Xy is that all
formatting is transparent: you can see it, you can change and replace it, you
can edit it, you can make macros of it. _You_ have complete control--not some
big brother who has decided how your doc should look.
Ability to output to RTF if needed, OK, but we have that now, thanks to U2. But deliver me from the bloat of RTF as a native format.

Dear Patricia,
I agree with you, and I too love the simplicity of XyWrite's formatting, so straightforward to edit. But let's admit that RTF is vitruously lean by comparison to Word. Just use an editor like TextWrangler to open an RTF. You might see something like this at the top of the file:

{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}

\f0\fs24 \cf0 Hi, Linda!\
No fun here, but I wanted you to have copies.\
These were two "legacy" reviews on which I have finally decided to take a loss.
Now open a .DOC in TextWrangler. It is just an explosion of cruft, a barge of proprietary code that offends the eye, and it goes on for pages. I'd never even dream of inserting it here. All I know how to do is destroy it.

So let me praise RTF for relative simplicity. It's not so bad!

