I have followed your instructions to install NEWSHELL.ZIP and the free
runtime. Everything is OK but when I arrived to...
13. Open an MS-DOS prompt, and situate in the ObjectREXX directory.
Monitor the screen prompts for successful completion.
I receive this message:
C:\Archivos de programa\ObjREXX>REXX MAKEBATS.REX
No se encuentra el archivo - C:\PROGRA~1\ObjREXX\W2.BAT
0 archivos copiados
Windows Explorer not found - Aborting
I suppose the problem is due to the default programs directory in the
Spanish version of Windows (C:\ARCHIV~1 instead of C:\PROGRA~1).
Obviously, I have copied the files mentioned in step 6 and I have
adjusted my path according to your README.WIN file (steps 9 and 10).
Maybe it's necessary to adjust MAKEBATS.REX. Any suggestion?
Thank you very much,
Manuel Castelao