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Re: Tweaking something...?

** Reply to message from Harry Binswanger  on Sun, 28 Mar 2004
22:08:37 -0500

> Ah, well, now the whole thing is obvious. In startup.int, I LPDM idkey.pm
> onto &K. Now I see that doing that is a memory-wasting act. And now,
> behold! $M+6 is down to 3 at startup! And even after I run and then exit
> idkey.pm, it stays at 3.

There is zero reason to load IDKEY.PM to a Save/Get. It is part of U2. So if
you want to launch it, you just command IDKEY. If you use it so very
often that you need to assign it to a KBDfile key (which is hard to imagine,
but... whaddo I know), you set:

Robert Holmgren