I noticed some slowing with 'opengl' under windows 2000 but nothing as
severe as you have found. I imagine it is something to do with the
opengl library under linux, but I'm afraid I've not idea what. You
might try searching on the internet for clues. Sorry I can't be of
further help.
Bob Zimmerman wrote:
Paul Breeze wrote:
You'll have to try one of the other options for 'output'
perhaps 'opengl' or openglnb'.
I tried both options above. Both succeeded in allowing me to change the Dosbox/Xywrite window size.
Thanks. However, both options slowed the Dosbox/Xywrite program to a crawl. It took more than a
minute for Xywrite to start up, and then each key stroke took tens of seconds to happen.
If anyone has any suggestions for adjusting my dosbox.conf file to fix this, I'd be glad to email it
to you.
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