But yes XY3.53 has wildcards most of them can be created with ALT+SHIFT+char exept for the quad-left wich is made by Ctrl-Enter; they appear in a different representation/mode, both on the comment-line as in a program (nep or cap), so they can't be mixed up witn a normal W.(tried different ways to force XY to same error but did not manage to do so. The only problem i had were the dubble brackets because my XY lost them and all betweent them when put to the command line it looked like ci |http://WWWWW[CR]|| so the result was a delete, but i worked around that (see/run attachment rr). if your XY4 can handle 2 W's you might do it in several steps, like ci |http://WW|≪lbhttp://#| ci |#WW|##| ci |#W[CR]|#W[CR]≫ ci |#|WW| but may be a search will do it quicker greatings from a sunny sunday-morning CarelAttachment: Rr
Description: Binary data