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Re: XyWrite to Word

** Reply to message from Harry Binswanger on Sat, 25 Mar 2006
23:58:37 -0500

> For instance, don't you use ctrl-S instead of F5 SAve?

Yes; Control + S is one of the few that have been burned into memory.
May I suggest, in the gentle spirit of Xy-love, that you are not getting
the speed and transparency you could get? It's easy and *very* valuable to
have keystrokes also for:

SE //
CI ///
copy (with clipw in U2)
NeXt window
cursor to command line
cursor from command line to text
MoDe Normal
MoDe UnderLine
MoDe BOld
toggle expanded/regular display mode
transpose letters (I just used ctrl-3 to change in the above line "dispaly" to "display"
cursor to end of line
cursor to beginning of line
dir *.*
delete word (xd,dw,rd)
delete line (xy,rl)
And: since I have changed the Windows Registry to swap CapsLock with Ctrl, and move Alt to where it should be (where modern keyboards put Ctrl), I use ctrl-keys right there at the left of the A key to do all cursor movements (up, down, right, left) without taking my fingers off the "home keys" (for touch-typing). Even with the standard positioning of the shifting keys, it
has to be lots faster to do the above with shifted keystrokes.
One footnote: because ci /// can be dangerous if you hit the enter key at the wrong time, I have my key shortcut omit the last "/." I add that by hand, when I know I'm not going to make an error. This I learned from painful experience.

Harry Binswanger