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Updating linked text

I don't know if many of you use text links; I've found them useful for a
church flyer that has variable information from week to week that I keep in
stand-alone files and link to the main text of the flyer.

Updating links one at a time is a pain, so I wrote this little utility that
does them all at once. Note that it has a couple of calls to the menu/dialog
system, so those have to be loaded. You could modify the program to not
require the menu/dialogs.
This program updates all linked files from the cursor forward. It does not check for no-modify
links, and I don't know what happens when it encounters them. Because of two calls to the dialog
box/menu system, this program requires that they be loaded.

;*; Release selected text; set up S/G 74 to contain left guillemet; make sure markers are showing.
;*; Load LT into S/G 01; do a blind execute/forward/select to LT; exit if none found.
LTÿ?®IF®ER¯¯®PRNo more links to update.¯®EX¯

;*; Define the contents of the LT marker.
;*; Parse filename out of LT marker.
®SX05,","¯®IF®IS05¯î®IS1000¯<0¯®SV05, ¯®EI¯;*;
;*; Execute UPDATETX command using filename of linked file as argument; cycle back thru loop.
ÿ?«(es 0)ÿ?«(ES 0)ÿ?«UPDATETX ®PV1003¯ÿ?;*;