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Re: Euro in Xy3

On Mon, 18 Jan 1999, Carlo Caballero wrote:

> Dear Rene,
>   Sorry for not getting back to you about the Euro-crunch thing. You
> asked at the end of November...
> >
> > It is crossed c. I guess a combination of "c" and "=" would do if nothing
> > more elegant comes along. Think you can do it?
> >

	Microsoft has several fonts available for download that include
the Euro symbol, as well as fonts optimized for screen viewing (of
heightened importance in these web-dominated days), called web core

	If you're using windows fonts, go to


(that's all one URL--you'll have to piece it together)--for information
about Euro support.

	The web core fonts also include the Euro. They're at


	None of this will help with DOS printing, but it's a start.


Dorothy Day			
School of Library and Information Science
Indiana University
	"He also surfs who only sits and waits."