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Re: Minor capslock bug...

Bob Zimmerman wrote:

> In the case of capslock.exe, I even ran it at the dos prompt, to no
> effect. Before I ran it capslock was on, so that everything I typed at
> the dos prompt was capitalized. After I ran it capslock was still on,
> with everything I typed still capitalized

When that kind of thing happens, I tend to suspect nonstandard hardware.
Is this a laptop or a desktop? How is the keyboard attached? PS/2, USB,
or what? We've heard about weirdnesses with numlock, but I think this is
the first with capslock. Let me try. but I'm on a laptop right now.
Later: Curioser and curioser, as Alice said. I'm on a ThinkPad 760XL (ancient and underpowered). At either a command.com or a kmd.exe prompt, running capslock or goxy by itself does not change the state from solid caps to lc. Nor does running them in sequence. BUT when I first tried it, I misread Carl's post (trying to read an LCD in sunlight) and was typing open and close parens instead of open and close curly braces around "self". And with that, if one first runs capslock, then goxy, Goxy pops up a message that "(self)" is not running, and one must click OK, but then one is switched to lc in that DOS session. This is NOT a shell-from-Xy DOS session, but a separate VDM, to emulate the operation of a bat file before loading Xy.
I have other grounds for thinking this keyboard slightly off the DOS
standard (apart from the usual laptop variants): a very old DOS app that
otherwise works OK cannot accept keyboard input at one particular stage
of operations.

Patricia M. Godfrey