** Reply to note from "Richard G. Minutillo"Tue, 27 May 1997 19:53:02 -0400 Richard, that was a fascinating question that you posed a few days back concerning K-frames in XyWin. Question of the month -- the year, maybe. I finally had a chance to install your XWENV.INI file, and inspect the frame itself this morning. Here's my take, and a fix for the problem: K-frames are certainly the smartest thing in XPL, so it's reasonable to expect them to do XPL evaluations while a frame is executing. And they do. But not in the form you originally shaped. The _lines_ and physical elements (buttons, boxes, etc) that compose the K-frame are not dynamic. They do not evaluate. They merely format and display static data, albeit with a much broader array of variables, special commands, and tools than anything hitherto available in the XyWrite world. (Really exciting stuff.) And that's why your frame, in its original shape, steadfastly said "(none)" when you asked it to display the result of a dynamic evaluation: None had been performed. The bottom line is that I see no way (and no existing instance) of a dynamic evaluation performed on a display line. Many lines in XWDLG.DLG tend to look like they're dynamic, but if you examine closely, the only dynamic thing going on is data extraction from sub-elements of VAriables which were already firmly known -- static -- when the K-frame commenced to execute, or else _tests_ that determine whether the display should be modified based on the values of already-fixed VAriables (an example might be <> |°| =="1"|û). To trigger XPL code and thereby perform a dynamic XPL task, you have to take an _action_ (i.e. select one of the pushbuttons). I've ZIPped up your original INI file, together with a crude, broad-brush modification of your frame, which gets close to the result you want. If you click the default "Read" button, or if you , it gets the data you want and refreshes the display. I'm short on time to play with this (I'd love to, but -- promised myself that I'd quit computing on Friday, and there's so much yet to do); I suspect that if you fiddle with it, you might come closer. All the best, ----------- Robert Holmgren holmgren@xxxxxxxx ----------- Attachment: kframe.zip
Description: Binary data