Thanks, Robert.
Of interest: my .DLG had as it's first frame {{5$S,$E}}, without {{5$?}} anywhere in the file. Got the XYWWWEB .DLG, copied the 5$? frame from it (first position there) to the top of my .DLG and . . . end of problem.
Both of those frames I've mentioned had the same content, viz., ≪SX99,≪VA$FR≫≫JM 2.≪PV99≫Q2 which, I believe, gets the last framename called into sg #99 then puts it (somewhere? I'm too ignorant of XPL to say). A question: if the contents are the same, why does the identifier matter?
Fred Weiner
On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 8:40 PM, Robert Holmgren
mailto:holmgren@xxxxxxxx wrote:
** Reply to message from "Fred Weiner" mailto:fw1948@xxxxxxxx on
Wed, 20 Aug 2008 19:42:12 -0700
> Anyone know why the message "Frame "$M" not found" would appear in the
> Prompt space
One of two reasons:
1) Your DLG file doesn't have frame {{5$?}} as the first frame
in the file. Look for it. (Or DLG isn't LOADed.)
2) Your U2 file doesn't have frame {{5$M}} in it.
Robert Holmgren