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Re: XY concordancer pgm?

>Could you be a little more specific, please, Rene? I suspect there are
>XPL routines you could create, but what exactly are you fixin' to do?

Oh, sorry. What I'd like to to is count the incidences of words in a
document. For example in the above quote, there are 3 "you", 2 "are",
1 "XPL", and so on.

>I'll have Spam Spam Spam Spam eggs and Spam!

You got that in the internet. Actually, has anybody else noticed how
markedly the amount of spam has gone down since AGIS.NET finally
gave the boot to Cyberpromo yesterday? Amazing what a large part of
that trash actually originated from one single scum of a company.

-- Rene 
-- Support the anti-Spam amendment. Join at http://www.cauce.org/