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Re: Batch files in Windows.

Bob Molyneux wrote:
For instance, I now have pf.bat which changes to the Program Files directory--that space is a killer so you put the quote in, et voila.
I do all this through an alias file in 4DOS (which is the same as some
Norton DOS and maybe the same as DRDOS). You just type: pf and it
executes the alias for that change of directory. All your aliases are
stored in one file (e.g., "myalias" which is loaded on startup, on pre-NT
systems at least, by a line in autoexec.bat).
I didn't understand this one, though:
My best bat file, though, is x.bat:
@echo off

To close a window.
Since you are running .bat files at DOS, the only thing that x.bat could do
is close a DOS box, right?
Another advantage of Mac, I find, as I am switching, too, is that I can write shell scripts to do the same thing as the bat files I have been lugging around for over 20 years. So, I can reuse them and teach Unix the way I have thought for the last 20 years..er...if "thought" is the right word for it.
I haven't figured out yet the relation of Unix to the Mac GUI. Or at least
I'm not comfortable with it yet. So I'm hardly using the Unix prompt (even
though in Windows I almost always have a DOS box open). Maybe you could
send a sample of a Unix shell script for the Mac, privately:
hb@xxxxxxxx -- I'd much appreciate it.

Harry Binswanger