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re HP5 driver

Andrew: If you wanted to make a federal case of it you could cancel the
AdobePS3 order and dl HP's OEM version (MP211EN.EXE, a 14-minute dl @14.4
from HP, CIS, AO ...). They're the same except: HP omits Port Monitor
software (apparently for serially-connected printers) and Printer Driver User
Guide and includes only HP PPDs. If you use the MP5 for PS you should have
the HP PPDs, no? (I'll email a file listing if you want, but none with
descriptions is included in the package. Since guis ate the world, developers
have tried to shield users from such technicalities.)

My graphical word processor is part of a software suite based on the GEOS
gui, which I taskswitch with xyWrite 3 under win3. GEOS's ineffably elegant
rendering of Motif makes win3's tacky interface almost unbearable, so I was
delighted when a subscriber sent me wps4w: not GEOS, but anything has to beat
win3. I had to uninstall it at once when I found, as Michel did, that it's
incompatible with ATM. Alas, with desktop os/2 "deemphasized" (Geoworks's
term when it switched *its* development focus from the desktop to
GEOS-platform hand-held devices), IBM has little incentive to upgrade wps4w
to ATM compatibility. GEOS users have a two-year head start on Warp users
learning the consequences of being part of a "secondary market." Two-plus
years later, we're still waiting for the first third-party GEOS app to
trickle up as promised.

I didn't realize the Times 'net site had progressed beyond the embryonic. You
can't dl pieces as text? I suppose you can extract text from PDF files, but
what a hassle. The Times News Service is on AO. Aside from easy, bargain-rate
exchange of binary email attachments with a zillion people who have closet AO
accts, that's the reason I use AO. If offering pure text on the 'net causes a
Times-AO contractual conflict, reader gains when the Times threw off its
Nexis yoke are pretty much cancelled. Admittedly, I have a bias against using
guis to read, write, or edit text (I have this weird notion that they're best
used for work that's intrinsically graphical). 	--A

========================== annie fisher  nyc