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Re: XPL entry (Was "Glitches...")

TLO wrote:

>Another way to handle input of XPL functions into a program is The Herb's
method (described in >*XyWrite Revealed*). You type the 2-character XPL
mnemonic as regular text ...

And, of course, the best way is to use my award-winning* program XyBasic. It
let's you write in near-English (like BASIC). To produce foobar.pgm, you
write in a textier file caled foobar.bas, and then run XyBasic.exe on it,
which translates it into xpl. Here's some examples.

; comments are preceded by semicolons, as here--the translater just skips
; all following a semi, and it ignores tab characters, blank lines and
; non-essential spaces. So in your .bas file, formatting is footloose and
fancy free.

'cr 'df 'le 'tf 'bf 'xd ; translate to Xy functions (a pointless string of
'em here)

com "sea /SAYWHAT?/"  ; this translates to: BC sea/SAYWHAT?/XC
comx "sea /SAYWHAT?/" ; this translates to: BX sea/SAYWHAT?/Q2

well.named$ = "whatever" ; use meaningfully named string variables
    ; the above translates to 

months.in.year = 12   ; and meaningfully named numeric variables
    ; translates to:  the program picks the next
    ; available save/get number, or you can specify the one to use

'bc print "There are " months.in.year "months in a year"
    ; puts up on the command line: There are 12 months in a year
    ; because the XPL it translates to is: BC There are  months in
a year

if a = 10 then b = 11 else b = 12 ; supports if/then/else and can use "endif"

Etc. Available at popular prices--i.e., $0.00.


*Award-winning, courtesy of Tim Baehr's contest :)

Harry Binswanger