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Re: XYwrite macro please.... -- Thanks

Reply to note from cld@xxxxxxxx (Carl Distefano) Sat, 7 Sep 2002
13:36:23 -0400

One further tweak, and an important one: By forcing the subject file
into eXPanded view, LISTWDS was including formatting statements and
other embedded material in the word list, willy-nilly. In many
cases, however, it will be desirable to exclude such material.

The following revision (dated "9/7b/02") forces a toggle into Draft
view, *unless* the subject file is displayed in eXPanded view. This
means that embedded material *will be excluded* from the word list
unless you ToGgle the subject file into eXPanded view before running
LISTWDS. In other words, LISTWDS now gives you a choice.

Note that embedded material is not necessarily synonymous with non-
lexical material, the obvious example being footnotes. If you want
the word list to encompass footnotes, you *must* toggle eXPanded
view before running LISTWDS. Of course, that means that formatting
and other embedded "words" will also be listed. C'est la vie....

b-gin [UNTITLED]
{{;5listwds*}} List words in the current file that contain a{32}
specified string [CLD rev. 9/7b/02][cr|lf]{2}{<}GLa{>}[cr|lf]
[cr|lf]Usage (with subject file in current window):[cr|lf] L
ist all words containing instring:  LISTWDS [instring][cr|lf] List all unique words in current file: LISTWDS[cr|lf] Allow duplicate words in list:     LISTWD
S/NV [instring][cr|lf] Usage reminder:      {32}
      LISTWDS ?[cr|lf][cr|lf]Note: To include f
ootnotes, formatting commands and other embedded material in{32}
the word list, the subject file must be displayed in eXPanded
 view (func XP) before running LISTWDS.[cr|lf][cr|lf]{<}LBa{>
}[XH_][BX_]es 1[Q2_]{<}IF{<}VA@50{>}=="?"{>}{<}PRLISTWDS[/NV]
{<}PRNo file{>}{<}EX{>}{<}EI{>}{<}IF{<}VA$WA{>}<1{>}{<}PRNo w
<}EI{>}{<}SX01,{<}VA$WA{>}{>}[BX_]func #{<}PV01{>}[Q2_][BX_]n
YD_]{<}SV01,{3}{8}{tab} "()+,-/:;<=>[\]^`{|}~{158}{<}{>}{176
47}{248}{249}{250}{>}[DX_]{<}SX02,"Listing all words in "+{<}
VA$FP{>}{>}{<}IF{<}IS50{>}<>"[wA]"{>}{<}SX02,{<}IS02{>}+" tha
t contain """+{<}IS50{>}+""""{>}{<}EI{>}{<}PR@02{>}{<}LBb{>}[
BX_]se/f [999]{<}PV50{>}[999][Q2_]{<}IF@not({<}ER{>}){>}[DW_]
0{>}{<}SX01,{<}VA$SK{>}{>}{<}SX01,"[BX_]d sk="+{<}IS01{>}+"[Q
2_]"{>}[BX_]d sk=4,80[Q2_]{<}SV02, unique{>}{<}EI{>}[BX_]sort
][BX_]ch [wC] [wC][Q2_][BX_]wait[Q2_]{<}SX01,{<}VA$WC{>}{>}{
<}SX01,{<}IS01{>}+{<}IS02{>}+" words"{>}{<}IF{<}IS50{>}<>"[wA
]"{>}{<}SX01,{<}IS01{>}+" containing """+{<}IS50{>}+""""{>}{<

Carl Distefano