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Re: NotaBene S/G usage vs. U2

Which frame? And with which AUX routine is there a conflict?
I've solved the concrete problem, just be renumbering the ones in my frame to 01 and 02 instead of 90 and 91. But it's the general issue I'm concerned about--how to avoid Xy-NB conflicts if they use S/Gs in the 80s and 90s.
The specific frame I for which I had to renumber the high S/Gs is the frame
for my version of $X, which I named $H. I'll encode it and include it.
As to which AUX routine, I would have to test which AUX file it is and then
narrow down routine it is, but I went into the one for &X (NBMAIN-X.AUX)and
saw a lot of S/Gs in the 90s--e.g.,:

«IF«IS90»=="S?"» é½(SPELL)«EX1»«EI»;*;

But they use S/Gs from all over the place, even the sacred 50:
 é½(ES 1)«SX90,«VA$TP»» üA üI
ÇQ«SX10,«VA$CY»» ü» é½(JMP «PV90»);*;
é 5 üI«SV50,0»«LB#L#» ÇQ«SX20,«VA$CY»»«IF(«PV20»>«PV10»)&(«PV50»<20)» Çò«SX50,«PV50»+1»«GL#L#»«EI» é½(JMP «PV90») ü? ü+ é½(ES 0)«GL*UV»«EX1»
And it's not just the NBMAIN-X file. I looked at several, and they are
grabbing S/G numbers from all over the place.

So, perhaps I can put a HIDE at the top of each AUX file?

Harry Binswanger