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Re: This time a real clip bug: it crashes...

Harry Binswanger wrote:
>It's easy to debug a kbd file. Just use a binary process--testing half,
>then half of half ... lather, repeat.

THANK YOU HARRY. It only took about five minutes of debugging and I solved the CAPSLOCK bug!

It seemed that the problem immediately occurred if any part of my TABLE=XTRA was active. I then
looked at the top of my keyboard file, and noticed that they tables were listed like so:


I thought, why not put the XTRA=26 table at the top, so that it comes ahead of CASS (which is the
CAPS table renamed). I made the move, and lo and behold, Xy4 was not frozen when I opened with
CAPSLOCK on in Windows.

Of course, this means that Xy4 started with caps locked, which is a new annoyance. Robert had
mentioned that the idea of setting a CAPS off default in Xy4 in startup.int. Anyone know how to do

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