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Re: A Win95 question

> These days it's word processing, and that includes presentation, not
> just editing. A lot of folks on this list apparently write academic
> material which is meant to be presented looking as if it were 'typed'
> anyway, but for most of the general world of computer users out there, a
> word processor which cannot handle the full choice of available fonts

With due respect, I believe that a lot of word processing is done that is
independent of the final output.
 As a journalist, I would not give up Xy3+ for my "grunt work"; I have
XyWin for the occasional business letter or even a Fax (no problems using
QuickFax with Win 3.1). But if I were to attempt a book - and I did one
some years ago in Ventura on a 286 - I would use a dedicated DTP program.
 Anyhow, my work (for a national newspaper) is finally typeset using a
different system, and we ask contributors for plain text or ASCII text,
but still have to "fight" freelance contributors and PR firms whose idea
of a contribution is an 800-word, 300K MS Word document - and as often as
not with a Concept virus or two embedded in it.
 Why give writers all those overheads, when Xy lets them get their
ideas down quickly (and do virtual shorthand with autoexpansion), etc.
Tony Waltham