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Re: Line Number Alignment

On 02/14/98 at 09:22 AM,
  "N. Sivin"  said (in so many words):

<- This is indeed a shortcoming of XY, not
<- only with ordinary numbers but especially in an outline that uses
<- roman numerals. Leaving aside the latter, I deal with the former with
<- a simple search. The idea is to change the delta into space+delta (or
<- 2 spaces with proportional type) for the first 9 instances. Primitive,
<- no?

Why not a decimal tab?


The finest landscape in the world is improved by a good inn in the foreground.
	--Samuel Johnson
"What would life be without arithmetic, but a scene of horrors?"
            -Rev. Sydney Smith, letter to young lady, 22 July 1835

David Auerbach              auerbach@xxxxxxxx (David Auerbach)
Department of Philosophy & Religion
Box 8103
Raleigh, 27695-8103