Wolfgang Bechstein was kind enough to put several weeks' of list traffic on a local BBS. I'd like to add some comments on several threads. All comments apply to XY/Dos. I threw Signature in the trash on my last move. The SHIFT, ALT and CTRL keys *appear* to have some hard-coded limitations that prevent reassignment, and an example appearing in the manual (exchanging SHIFT and \ keys to compensate for a sadistic keyboard layout) would not work. The problem is related to the actual *names* of the tables, so if you change it from SHIFT to SSHIFT, you can assign it anywhere without so much as a *beep* of complaint. Same with CTRL, ALT, CAPS, etc. Of course, strange (to some people wonderful) things happen if a key has both regular and shift-style definitions. I always keep two keyboard files with opposite CTRL and CAPS assignments for working on others' computers, since I never did get used to the "improved" IBM keyboard layout. Two-level commands ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Since I don't like using function keys, I sacrificed the [ and ] keys to access other functions. Here's how things are laid out: Ctrl + key Basic editing functions; Left control with right hand letter keys does most everything I need for regular text editing. [ + key [ with *left* hand letters starts up various XPL programs that check for the next keystroke and execute a function accordingly. [W - window related commands [G - global search and replace [F - file commands [Z - mode codes[A - alt-key save-get functions [S - save file [D - directory [X - expand/hide formatting codes etc. ] + key Special characters otherwise unavailable, particularly []{} ≪ ≫ I'm sure this setup would win the word-processing Olympics if there ever was one. Keyboard definition files Mistakes here are death in a fast machine, because the error message is practically invisible. Trouble shooting can be quite painful. I never did really understand what those NI calls were supposed to do. I'd welcome some help here. -- Joel Roth