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Re: XYshell and w2k

Dear Robert

I have been looking further at the interaction between XY4 in a non standard line display and
XYShell. When I set my XY4 installation to operate in the standard 25 line mode there is no
problem. Using 'Shell to DOS key' of sw and then returning to XY4, everything remains as it
was. However if I use the small utility called ROWS.EXE which I have attached to this message to
set a 30 line screen default (in this case I have put a line into AUTOEXEC.NT [..\rows.com 30] but
it might be more convenient to run it from startup.int) and repeat the experiment, I find that
returning to XY4 after XYshell operations does not leave XY4 unchanged. Perhaps if you have time
you could try the experiment for yourself so that you can see what I have been talking about.

Paul Breeze

Attachment: rows.zip
Description: Zip compressed data