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Macro Virus List (PC + Macintosh)
according to VTC name specification
including (PC) In-The-Wild Indication
Vesselin Bontchev @ FSI
+ Klaus Brunnstein, Uni-Hamburg
+ Joern Dierks, VTC Uni-Hamburg
+ Thomas Buck, VTC Uni-Hamburg
VTC = Virus Test Center
Status: May 31, 1997
>>> Copyright (c) 1997 University of Hamburg, Germany <<<
The number of macro viruses has significantly grown in May 1997: with
37 new strains and 246 new macro viruses (almost all replicating on
Word documents). The number grew faster than in every previous month.
Strains with fastest growth include NPAD (+19), Bandung (+16),
Colors (+14), Twno (+14), Showoff (+13) and Rapi (+13) whereas the growth
has diminished in strains such as Wazzu (+10) and Concept (+8).
The "list of known macro viruses", dated May 31, 1997, reports in
detail about all known macro-related malware. Here are the essential
statistical data:
Word + Other = Total (New)
Number of Strains 196 + 15 = 211 ( 37)
Number of Viruses 921 + 12 = 933 (246)
Number of Trojans 22 + 7 = 29 ( 3)
Number of Generators 10 + 0 = 10 ( 0)
Number of Intendeds 22 + 1 = 23 ( 4)
Number of Jokes 0 + 1 = 1 ( 0)
Remarks: (*)=(viruses+trojans+intendeds+jokes)
The following 37 new macro virus strains have been reported in April 1997:
Anak.A, Ant.A-B:Tw, Attack.A, Beeper.A-B, Chaka.A, Chandigarh.A, Cult.A.int,
CVCK1.C-H, Czech.A, Dakota.A,B:De, Dance.A, Defender.A, Demon.A, Divina.F,
Doggie.E, Donos.A.int, Envader.A.int, Hark.A, Hyper.A,A1, Java.A, Killok.A-B, Lox.A,
Mark.A-B:Tw, Minimorph.A, Noprint.A, Ordo.A, Orhey.A, Pesan.A, Quick.A, Randomic.A,
Rellk.A:Tw, Strezz.A, Sunbeam.A, Trap.A-C:Tw, Varmint.A:Tw, Why.A.drp,Zoolog.A
The following 209 variants of previously reported macro viruses have been reported in April 1997:
Alien.D-E, Appder.D-E, Bandung.Y-Z,AA-AO, CAP.J-M, Cebu.B, Colors.AP-AZ,BA-BB,
Concept.AL-AS, Dzt.D, Epidemic.B-C:Tw, Friday.C:De, Gambler.A-D, Goldfish.B, Irish.K-P,
Johnny.A2,B1-M1, JunkFace.B,C.int, Kompu.C, MDMA.N-R, Minimal.N-P, Muck E,
NiceDay E-J, NJ-WMDLK1.H, NOP.K, Npad.AX-AZ,BA-BP, Nuclear.L-M, PayCheck.B-C,
Pig.B-E:Tw, Rapi.M1,AD2-AI2, ShowOff.AQ-AZ,BA-BC, Slow.B,B.drp, Spiral.B, Switcher.A-B,
Talon.I-K, Twno.K-X:Tw, TwoLines.E-I1, Wazzu.BU-BZ,CA-CD, WMVH1.B-:Tw
The following new viruses were found to replicate esp. under Word97:
Appder.B-C, Bismark.B-D, Lunch.A-B, Minimal.A-B, Opim.A, Rapi.A2, Wazzu.X
The following new viruses replicate under MS Excel and Excel 97:
LMV.D.trj, Tjoro.A
This list is published monthly (normally between the 3rd and 8th of a month)
and can be downloaded via FTP from VTCs "new" WWW/FTP site:
The filenames used are:
MACROLST.yym (long version)
MACROL_S.yym (short version)
"yym" stands for:
yy = Year,
m = Month ("1"..."9" for January...September and
"A" = October, "B" = November, "C" = December.
Both lists are also available from VTCs "old" ftp site:
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