Hi Jon,
That someone is me. Anyway, to support this new Mac line and those who
do not care much about the installer, but would like to read the
documentation or download the new Xy3+/NB3 or Xy4 print files supplied
with the installer or Xy/NB/Signature icons, there is now a
stripped-down documentation package:
It does not contain anything that is not already in the installer, so if
you use the installer, there is nothing new.
Carl, I hope you will mirror this like the installers.
Best regards,
Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)
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Jon P (Redacted sender xywrite4 for DMARC) kirjoitti 8.5.2019 klo 9:08:
Here is the entire, very explanatory config.txt file that someone
customized for XY4 in vDosPlus. I am guessing it is by Wengier Wu,
someone has done all the heavy lifting.